The Norfolk County Community Corrections Center is an intermediate sanctions program operated in collaboration with the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office, the Office of Community Corrections, the Office of the Commissioner of Probation, Massachusetts Parole and the local district and superior courts. The Norfolk County Community Corrections Center provides mandated participants with educational programming, life skills, vocational instruction, and substance use treatment programming while addressing public safety needs through the sanctions of random drug testing, supervised community service and, when necessary, electronic monitoring. The combination of these services and sanctions is an innovative and cost effective approach to criminal justice that insures public safety while affording participants the opportunity to remain in the community to receive the treatment assistance they need.
Developed under the auspices of the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office, the Office of Community Corrections, the Office of the Commissioner of Probation and Massachusetts Parole, the mission of the Norfolk County Community Corrections Center is to provide services and sanctions to mandated probation, parole and sheriff’s department offenders. Modeled on intra system and interagency cooperation and commitment, the Center’s role is to promote the collaboration between afore named agencies. Men and women are provided with comprehensive intermediate sanctions and services. The Center has established the following principals: