• Visitors must arrive 15 minutes prior to check in.
  • Please review the updated Visit Schedule (Please see below).
  • All facility visits rules apply.
  • All visitors must be pre-approved. You may fill out the online application and e-mail the application to You can only be approved on 1 inmate's visiting list.
  • Each inmate will be allowed the following per 45-min visit:
    -- MON - FRI: A maximum of two (2) adult visitors per weekday visit.
    -- SAT & SUN: Child(ren) may accompany an adult with a maximum of three (3) visitors (2 Children + 1 Adult or 1 Child + 2 Adults) per weekend visit. Children should not be left unattended at any time.
  • The following dress code will be strictly enforced:
    NO shorts, miniskirts, tank tops, sleeveless shirts, jewelry, tight or see-thru clothing, bare midriffs, flip flops, open-toed shoes, stilettos, hats, hoods, coats, jackets or other outerwear.
  • Food or drink will not be allowed during the visit.
  • Additional electronic devices to include cell phones or Apple watches are not permitted during the visit.


  • ONLY visitors on the offender’s pre-approval list will be allowed to schedule a video visit.
  • Participation in the video sessions is a privilege, not a right. ALL parties are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate fashion at all times during the video session. ALL facility visit rules apply.
  • Off-site visits may be scheduled in advance by friends and family from the Securus Video Visitation Website at
  • Offender’s are allowed 2 video visits per day that are not back to back.
  • Video visits should only have a clear or neutral background showing on screen at all times.
  • Nudity, sexual conduct, weapons, drugs, and tight fitting or provocative clothing is prohibited. Violators will be barred from video and on-site visitations.
  • Dress codes will be enforced:
    NO shorts, miniskirts, tank tops, sleeveless shirts, jewelry, tight or see-thru clothing, bare midriffs, flip flops, open-toed shoes, stilettos, hats, hoods, coats, jackets or other outerwear will be allowed during the visit. Violators will be barred from off-site and on-site visitation.
  • Food and/or drinks will NOT be allowed to be shown during the video visits.
  • Friends and Family appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs; displaying items that may be considered contraband such as drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons; or displaying gang signs, symbols, colors, etc., are subject to having the visit cancelled, barred from future visits, and possible criminal prosecution.
  • ONLY the pre-approved visitor should be on camera for the video visit, any other people on camera will be considered a violation of the video visit rules* and grounds for termination of the visit and a disciplinary report may be issued. The offender and visitor will both be suspended from video visits.
  • Pre-approved visitors under the age of 17 will be allowed on camera with a parent or guardian present during video visits.
  • NO outside technology will be allowed during the video visit. Examples of this include but is not limited to social media, a phone call in any manner, other videos, or television programming.
  • The institution reserves the right to deny, cancel or terminate a video visit session prior to or during a video session based upon misconduct of either party. The institution also reserves the right to restrict participants from all future use of the system.
  • All friends and family video sessions will be recorded and subject to electronic monitoring by Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office personnel. The use of this video system constitutes consent to this recording and monitoring.
  • If you experience a problem with the audio or video reception during your visit, please refer to the Securus Video Visitation website for assistance.
  • Any violation of these rules may result in the termination of visits for both the offender and any video visit participant.



Due to changes in housing units for the offenders, we advise that you call the jail at 781-329-3705 to obtain the latest information.


All visitors must be pre-approved. You may fill out the online Visitor Pre-Approval Form and e-mail the application to Call the facility at 781-329-3705 to learn your approval status. Visit the Visitor Forms page for more information.


Children (under age 18) may visit offenders on weekends only. A child accompanied by a parent or legal guardian must present a birth certificate at the time of the visit.

If the child is accompanied by someone other than a parent or legal guardian, there must be on file with us: a Minor Visit Consent Form, birth certificate or copy, and a notarized letter stating that the child has the permission of the parent or guardian to visit the offender. Visit the Visitor Forms page for more information.


The Norfolk County House of Correction address is:
200 West St., Dedham, MA 02026

This is not the mailing address for inmates. To send mail to someone housed in the House of Correction, click here.


Proper dress is required.
NO shorts, miniskirts, tank tops, sleeveless shirts, jewelry, tight or see-thru clothing, bare midriffs, flip flops, open-toed shoes, stilettos, hats, hoods, coats, jackets or other outerwear. Jail administrators reserve the right to deny visitors access if their appearance is deemed to be potentially disruptive.

Important Documents

Visitor Schedule

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Press Releases

“Hard work pays off”: Norfolk County Sheriff Patrick W. McDermott celebrates the swearing in of 14 new correctional officers at the historic Endicott Estate
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Statement from the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office regarding Wisteguens Jean Quely Charles
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‘Stronger together’: Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office and the Municipal Police Training Committee to host Red Cross Blood Drive in Randolph
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“I need help!” - Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office “Are you OK?” program helps an 83-year-old Dedham woman in need of medical care
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Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office awarded $30,000 grant to bolster substance use disorder treatment program for justice-involved individuals
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Norfolk County Sheriff Patrick McDermott Swears in Nine New COs and Celebrates the Promotion of Six Officers to Sergeant
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Norfolk County Sheriff's HOPE Center presents Sober Comedy Night
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Sheriff Patrick W. McDermott to host “House to House for Heroes”
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Sheriff Patrick W. McDermott partners with Coats for Kids & Families
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"Are you OK?" Program Helps Save an 80-yr old Woman
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Drug charges filed against 5 people, including former correction officer and 2 offenders
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Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office to host PMC Kids Ride
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NCSO Recognized for 100% Compliance in Successive Audits
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Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office Launches Partnership with Shapchef Foundation on Re-Entry Workforce Development Grant
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